More dog activities near Efc2024 Belgium 2024 @ just a 5 min drive from the venue!

Have you Been dreaming about walking true water?

This possibility is created in Bokrijk near EFC2024!

You can combine the trip with a visit to the arboretum and/or open air museum Bokrijk with a large collection of buildings and townsquare from the 15-19th century.

Free parking @ the back entrance (well known by the locals ), paid on the main parking. For the free parking, park your car at the cross point Bokrijkseweg - Zavelvennestraat and follow the path that is in a straight line with the Bokrijkseweg. Soon you will arrive at a crosspoint (white house on the left). Straight forward you walk to the arboretum and open air museum. If you take right you follow the walking route direction "walk true water".

The arboretum and walk true water activities are free, for the open air museum you need to buy a entrance ticket.

Next to the museum is the biggest open air play ground for children in the region (free entrance).

On the leash Dogs allowed!

More info:

Hmm still not satisfied with dog activities near Efc2024 Belgium?

Visit the capital of the province Limburg, Hasselt known as "City of taste" @ 20 min by car from the EFC venue.

Hasselt is a cosy city with plenty of historical buildings, shops, bars and restaurants. It is nice to walk around in the traffic free inner City zone.

Belgium is mostly dog friendly and lots of places will allow your dog.

The breathtaking Japanese garden in hasselt does not allow dogs .

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